Download Bluestacks 2 for Windows PC (10,8,7,XP): The hot buzzing news is that Bluestacks developers have launched its biggest update. Yup, you heard it right. Bluestacks 2 has been launched by the Bluestacks developers. You can download this newer and better version from their official website. All over the world, this update is seeing as the biggest and better update of Bluestacks. Now you can also download Bluestacks 2 for PC running Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7 and Windows XP.
However, there is some sad news as well. This newer version is not yet released for Mac users. So if you are Mac or Mac OS X user, you have to wait for a while. If you have a Windows PC, then you are among the luck ones. Before going further in the article, let discuss whether Bluestacks 2 is worth downloading or not?
The main and interesting feature of Bluestacks 2 is the multitasking feature. Yes, with Bluestacks 2, you can run as many apps at single point of time. There is more. Now you need not to shut your emulator in order to browse something over internet. You can browse internet anytime without shutting down your emulator.
Download Bluestacks 2 for Windows PC (10,8,7,XP):
Basically, Bluestacks developer have added a browser this time. Well, it’s not completely similar to a real browser. Here there is a Android tab that you need to open all the time. This is the main tab. If you want to play or access any app on your PC through emulator it will open in another tab. So, now you can play your favorite game on one hand and on other hand chat with your friends.
In addition to this, Bluestacks developers have also optimized the emulator by fixing many bugs on it. Now you can even play huge size games without any interruption. If you want to download and install Bluestacks 2, follow the step by step instructions given in the article below.
- The first step requires you to download Bluestacks 2 on your Device.
- Once the download completes, locate the Bluestacks 2 file on your Windows PC. Found it? Double tap on the file.
- In this step you will see a Window will pop up showing Welcomes you.
- Now tap on the ‘Next button’ in the same pop up Window.
- You will see two options. First – Enable Play store. Second – Disable Play store.
- Just enable play store.
- Wait for few minutes till the installation does not completes.
- Once the Bluestacks 2 installation completes, tap on the Finish button.
- The Bluestacks 2 emulator will start automatically on your device.
- Assuming you have successfully downloaded and installed Bluestacks 2 for PC.
- Now download Kingroot APK.
- Go to the destination where you have saved Kingroot APK. Double tap on the file, it will start installing on your computer.
- Now go to app drawer of Bluestacks 2 and double tap to open Kingroot app.
- You will see an android logo in front of your screen. All you need to do is tap on it.
- Automatically the rooting of your device will start.
- Once it’s done. Restart Bluestacks 2 emulator.
- Your Bluestacks 2 has been successfully rooted. You can verify it from any root checker.
Download Bluestacks 2 Free for Windows PC (10,8,7,XP)
Download Bluestacks 2 for :
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